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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (B694) The Christmas Story, A to Z     
Author: Liechty, Anna/Chase, Judith/Wezeman, Phyllis
Publisher: Educational Ministries, Inc., 1992
Length: 44 pages
Subjects: Education; Worship
Location: computer room
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781877871450
Description: This program is about the story of the birth of Jesus told through the creation of a banner depicting these events. Three parts of the program, Gathering, Sharing, and Celebrating, offer opportunities for worship, education, and nurture. During the Gathering, participants come together to create 26 sections of a banner, one for each letter of the alphabet, which portray the Scripture story. In the sharing segment, the Nativity narrative is retold, through message and music, as the banner pieces are attached to a large background. Celebrating, the last part of the event, involves a time of worship.
Age Groups: Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School

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